
(0,1,2,3,..) ≠ {0,1,2,3,...}
Ezek a gondolatok át fogják formálni a matematikát. De hogy miről szól a blog, azt az áttekintőben olvashatod. 2012 júliusa óta nem tudott senki cáfolatot adni. Ez már-már az igazolásom.
These ideas will be to shape the mathematics. But what I'm talking about the blog, you can read about it in the overview. Since July 2012 could no rebuttal. This is almost proof.

Friss topikok

The set of rational numbers equal with set of real numbers

2012.09.10. 14:29 | Takács Ferenc bp. | Szólj hozzá!

The rational numbers is determined as quotient of integers. The integers are derived from the natural numbers, added to the series of natural numbers, negative whole numbers series. No accident that I use the concept of the series instead of the set concept. Because the natural numbers it is only as…

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