
(0,1,2,3,..) ≠ {0,1,2,3,...}
Ezek a gondolatok át fogják formálni a matematikát. De hogy miről szól a blog, azt az áttekintőben olvashatod. 2012 júliusa óta foglalkozom a kérdéssel, de az átütő eredményeket 2025 februárjában értem el.
These ideas will be to shape the mathematics. But what I'm talking about the blog, you can read about it in the overview. Since July 2012 work with these questions, but I achieved breakthrough results in February 2025..

Friss topikok


2012.09.28. 15:26 | Takács Ferenc bp. | Szólj hozzá!

Georg Cantor published his theorem in 1891 that the powerset of a set has higher cardinality than the set itself, which theorem transformed the mathematics. Cantor launch the foundations of mathematics through the set theory with this theorem, and  has not been able to halt this trend the…

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