
(0,1,2,3,..) ≠ {0,1,2,3,...}
Ezek a gondolatok át fogják formálni a matematikát. De hogy miről szól a blog, azt az áttekintőben olvashatod. 2012 júliusa óta nem tudott senki cáfolatot adni. Ez már-már az igazolásom.
These ideas will be to shape the mathematics. But what I'm talking about the blog, you can read about it in the overview. Since July 2012 could no rebuttal. This is almost proof.

Friss topikok

Russell Cantor Analogy

2013.04.12. 13:33 | Takács Ferenc bp. | Szólj hozzá!

X is set includes those that are not included. The Russell paradox: Consider the set G which complete collection of all sets which not contains itself. Was this collection set G contains the itself? The question is undecidable. In fact, if not included, then this is a set that is not…

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